Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010
If I were reasonably rich, this would be my favorite shop. And that would be awesomely convenient, because it has already settled into my favorite alley in zürich, the predigergasse. Anyhow, everything in that shop is drool-worthy and even if it's not quiiiite in my price-range the goodies are sold for outlet-prices.
Tipp: Try charming the sales-lady by complimenting her fine collection of memphis lamps...
Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010
Montag, 18. Oktober 2010
A friend made this in illustration class last week, originally it's a sort of "comic".
What really gets to me with this one though was how lovingly everything is drawn. Because when I read things about models-to-be in the "Blick am Abend", I usually can't help but roll my eyes.
Illustration by Froufrou Idnorok
It's not about the models. It's about the heartless men and women who gave their thumbs up for such eye-torture.
Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010
Now and then
Miss J has got two shadows.
Mister B has got a polaroid.
Miss M has got a flower-power past.
As Baba Ganti and Soja I had also the same skill at school and these are my prints.
I had really difficulty doing this kind of "handicraft". But despite the stress I like them.
The pictures don't go together. But I show them all because each has been made with another technique: Intaglio print (1), dry point (2) and aquatint (3).
Miss B.
Here I tried to use motives that go well with the visual language that is somewhat given by a specific intaglio technique.
As a result these two motives don't really go together, but I guess thats why I like them as a pair. There IS a link in content between the two motives though. I wonder if you see it...!
(the above picture is a drypoint print and one below is a etching combined with aquatinta)
Prints by Soja
lonely way home - hands reaching out for me
An intaglio print I made in my printing course at school. I was kind of under pressure when making it. Could be an explanation for the numerous hands...
Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010
As an intro for our new project month circling around the theme "strange/foreign pictures", everyone class was asked to bring an image, which personally disturbed them or seemed foreign or weird in some way.
The collection that was brought together turned out to be extremely diverse and opened up a lot of new perspectives, so I thought I'd post an outtake of it for you.
Can an image this famous still be disturbing or are we
already too used to it?
(This could've also made an exquisite Ugly Monday)
Ridiculous or awe-inspiring?
What was the person who made this montage thinking?
This is a judicial drawing of a mass murder made in court.
This is actually the portrait of a child-abuser put together out of childrens hand prints. Unethical?
And last but not least (weird). I found it quite interesting how disturbing it would be to a person who knows nothing about Christianity, to see a bleeding man hammered to a cross on, let's say, someone's kitchen wall.
by Soja
Montag, 11. Oktober 2010
In between
I was your puppet but I was dancing.
Decide for all or nothing.
This is a part of a work I did for school. The theme we were given was called "In between".
I don't like to describe what is meant to see in my pictures. Look at it and think of your own story. Feel free to decide if you see a provocation, a picture which has to do with "In between" or what ever you like.
Miss B.
What do these pictures here tell you about swiss farmers?
Not too much. But whats worse is they tell you swiss photographers suck. To be honest, I'm a bit let down...I quite liked last years calender!
Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010
I took these pictures during the time I lived in New York. It is in fact one of the most inspiring cities and there is always something new to discover. But at the same time it can be very exhausting and really suck the life out of you. So it is almost like a love-hate relationship. But whenever I go back to New York it just feels like home.
Photos by Imi Loa
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